My 3rd Presentation, Digital Journalism (process, product, reflection).

Methodology Presentation/assignment 10/12/19

Image result for digital journalism

For my third presentation for this module intro to digital media two of my team members and I chose to present our mission on Digital Journalism. What it digital journalism??

Digital Journalism is also know as online journalism, it is a  contemporary form of journalism where editorial content is distributed via the internet, as opposed to publishing via print or   broadcast. 

On a website we were given named  includes a list of suggested tasks, goals, examples and tools it also has a piece that breaks down digital journalism into 12 categories.
Here are the following categories 
  1.  Vertical video; Often with captions, pioneered by AJ + NowThis
  2. Horizontal *Stories; Swipeable cards like Snapchat Stories and its clones
  3. Longform scroll telling; Evolved from the original NY Times Snowfall
  4. Structured newa; Like the original Circa or the reusable cards at
  5. Live blogs; Frequently used for big events
  6. Newsletters and briefings; Which seem to be on trend right now
  7. Timelines; Which I expected to be more common
  8. Bots and chat; From the chat-styled Oz app to the many attempts to deliver newa within chat apps
  9. Personalized; Which typically is used to filter the choice of stories, rather than the story itself
  10. Data visualization; From graphs to interactive 
  11. Listicles; Like buzzfeed
  12. AR and VR

To get started on our project firstly we met up in the library to discuss ideas, goals, and plans. We came up with a brainstorm of what we were going to do and evenly divided the work among the three of us. We decided that Aaron and myself would do most of the research on the history of digital journalism and so forth and that Conor was going to do most of the video editing and making of a website. Conor also created a survey using a website called survey monkey. We sent the survey to a large number of our classmates and hoped we could get some good results and find out more on what people know about and how they use digital journalism. 

We met up after college on numerous occasions, we assigned ourselves 3 different topics to research each to evenly distribute the work. We decided we would gather all the correct information we needed then when we had enough we would make our video/presentation. 

Here are some of the tasks/goals we set for ourselves
  • What exactly is Digital Journalism?
  • Learn about the historic relationship between journalism and media technologies ( print, radio, tv )
  • Learn how to internet made new modalities of communication possible
  • Learn how digital tools make new kind of research possible 
  • Collaborate with your cohort to tell the same story through different media.
  • Investigate some topic or question using a digital tool like OpenRefine, Kumu or even one of the APIs at the Huffungton Post
  • Learn about the history of converging media and modalities within journalism, starting with different technologies for including images alongside print (lithography, colour photography, etc.)
  • Create your own multimedia, multi-modal journalistic piece telling the story of the question or topic you investigated 
With all these tasks and topics in mind and after all of our brainstorming and discussions we set out for work! 

Image result for let's get ready to rumble gif

Did we achieve these goals?

Yes! I think overall the project was a success and that we achieved all the goals and targets we had set for ourselves. We found out exactly what is digital journalism by doing research online and finding the correct information. We met up in the D block after college one day to complete all of the research needed. That day we got loads done, Conor successfully made a html website that would later feature in our video and myself and Aaron came up with all the research. We also made a timeline of important dates in the digital journalism world. 

The survey we created worked out well and proved an important piece of primary research. We asked people what their main source of digital news was and a number of other specific questions. Survey Monkey turned out to be extremely useful and is definitely a site i will consider using in the future.
Here are some of our results displayed on a chart.

We recorded the final video in the D block on one day and in the Link building another day. We stayed back after college to insure that we would find an appropriate room to record our video for the final presentation. We assigned ourselves three topics to talk about and recorded each of them in different rooms throughout the college. We wanted to cover as much information as we could and get our points across efficiently in the video.

Minor difficulties were faces such as bad lighting, echo in certain rooms we recorded in etc. But we weren't worried about that. As long as we knew we got the right information and successfully presented it in the video we would be fine, we had plenty of meat on our burger. 

 A Brief Reflection

Overall I think they project was a success. I think it was clear and evident that we completed extensive research in relation to the mission and in relation to all the tasks and goals we set ourselves. I believe that it was clear we identified the goal for the mission in our presentation and it was clear we created an artifact that addressed the goal. We also included instructions on the process of meeting its requirements.

I believe we organised ourselves correctly and took an efficient and unified approach to the mission. I would also say that we worked well as a team as there was no problems organizing times to meet up and get the work for the mission completed. 

Something that I would like to improve on for my next assignment is I would like to achieve a greater understanding of video and audio editing tools and put them into practice more as I feel our video was just lacking some sharpness when it came to the actual editing of the audio and video.

To sum it all up I would say overall I enjoyed this mission and I am happy with the end product. I learned many new beneficial skills which I will take on with me to the next assignment.


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